I just got supplied this link from BruteForce (http://bruteforce.gr/) and had to share it here as well:
It’s great review of the field and currently available technologies for most things Honeypot related. Enjoy.
I just got supplied this link from BruteForce (http://bruteforce.gr/) and had to share it here as well:
It’s great review of the field and currently available technologies for most things Honeypot related. Enjoy.
HoneyPi idea realised, at least from one angle
Great idea. I have something similar set-up, however this only focuses on the Glastopf (http://glastopf.org/) project. So be sure you know what you’re expecting from your honeypot and configure accordingly.
Good to get started however..
Dear Readers,
I recently came across this project Project Nova and found the concept intriguing when the idea of ‘hack-back’ is so prevalent but due to necessary legal constraints often renders this course of action prohibitive. So being a fan of the work produced by DataSoft I wondered if there ways to move the technology forward. At the heart of the technology there are two key components: 1. the network traffic identifier and the dynamic honeypot creation.
Today I was given an interesting tip to check out the Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector, combined with some modern day honeypot technology this could really be a nice solution to dealing with incoming threats and enabling later analysis
And that’s all for now
A nice use of honeypots in the real world: Alienvault Shell shock